Sparsh Ayurveda

Nurturing Nature with Sparsh Ayurveda Herbals


Sparsh Ayurveda Herbals teamed with BumpkinDigital to enhance its digital presence, expand its audience, and establish a reputation in herbal skincare through a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that included website creation, branding, social media marketing, offline marketing, influencer marketing, and professional photography.


  1. Website Development: 
  • Goal-Oriented Design: BumpkinDigital designed a user-friendly website for Sparsh Ayurveda, showcasing their commitment to natural skincare, emphasizing product advantages, and creating a smooth purchasing experience.
  1. Branding: 
  • Identity Refinement: BumpkinDigital worked on refining Sparsh Ayurveda’s brand identity, developing a unified visual language that reflected the business’s dedication to purity and authenticity.
  1. Social Media Marketing: 
  • Engaging Content: BumpkinDigital created a content strategy that included educational content on Ayurveda, skincare solutions, and engaging visuals showcasing Sparsh Ayurveda products. We implemented regular updates and community interaction initiatives.
  • Strategic Campaigns: Targeted social media ads underlined Sparsh Ayurveda’s unique selling points, stressing the products’ natural and Ayurvedic essence.
  1. Offline Marketing: 
  • Partnerships with Physical Outlets: Sparsh Ayurveda engaged with offline partners who have marketplace outlets, providing the brand’s products with a physical presence. This comprised Ayurvedic clinics, wellness centers, and health stores.
  • BumpkinDigital planned in-store promotions and events at partner locations, increasing Sparsh Ayurveda’s awareness and allowing customers to try the products firsthand.
  • Printed collateral: Tangible marketing materials, such as brochures and posters, were designed to promote Sparsh Ayurveda’s products both online and offline.
  1. Collaborations with Wellness Influencers: In order to target a specific audience, BumpkinDigital collaborated with wellness influencers who shared the values of Sparsh Ayurveda. Influencers gave genuine evaluations and testimonials, which increased the brand’s trust.
  1. Photography: BumpkinDigital invested in professional photography in order to create visually appealing content that mirrored the purity of Sparsh Ayurveda’s products. The website, social media, and marketing materials all included high-quality visuals.



  1. Increased Online Sales: The website revamp and targeted social media marketing resulted in a significant rise in online sales, with new and repeat consumers increasing significantly.
  1. Improved Brand Perception: Sparsh Ayurveda Herbals’ brand impression was enhanced by refined branding and consistent visual storytelling using professional photography, portraying it as a trustworthy and quality-driven herbal skincare solution.
  1. Engaged Community: Social media engagement analytics revealed a growing and engaged community that was actively participating in discussions on Ayurveda, skincare, and Sparsh Ayurveda’s product line.
  1. Offline Visibility: Strategic offline marketing tactics enhanced brand awareness, particularly in local marketplaces and events where Sparsh Ayurveda participated.
  1. Influencer Impact: Collaborations with wellness influencers resulted in authentic content, improving Sparsh Ayurveda’s reach and brand awareness.


Sparsh Ayurveda Herbals and BumpkinDigital’s partnership highlights the effectiveness of a comprehensive digital marketing approach. The brand not only improved sales but also developed a strong and authentic presence in the herbal skincare industry by merging website development, branding, social media marketing, offline marketing, influencer partnerships, and professional photography.

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